Want to write for us DIY Health Plus? We’d love to hear from you.
Here is our guide on how to pitch to us the types of articles that we publish.
Every piece of editorial must be original, not published elsewhere, and helpful to our audience.
DIY Health Plus’s aim is to educate and motivate people to take control of their physical, mental, environmental, and social health, and to explore the many medical and complementary health services, treatments, and products available to them.
Each story you write for us should still be thoroughly researched, and fact-checked and should include comprehensive information about the topics. Absolutely No plagiarism. They will be checked.
Our content has multiple health methodologies; Medical, Natural Therapies, and Integrative Health, and these are then consigned to one or more of our streams (environmental, spiritual, mental, physical, emotional & travel).

write for us DIY Health Plus Medical Articles
How to Pitch to Us
We are a small but passionate digital publication that is committed to sourcing and sharing the best information to enable people to live their best lives. Bringing a balanced perspective to holistic health meaning embracing both natural health is what is important to us and to our readers.
Please familiarise yourself with our published material and while we don’t want a carbon copy of tone, take note of the warm, casual yet accurate approach to all our content. Also, while you’re there, check we haven’t already covered it. We are happy to take an alternative view if it is sensitive and detailed.
If you still wish to pitch your concept. Please send an introduction to you and an abstract of the story/idea with a punchy headline and two examples of your published work to writing@diyhealthplus.com– please do not send an article that has been published elsewhere. All editorials will be checked for duplication or plagiarism. Each article should be 600+ words
As a small team, we may not be able to respond to those we are unable to accept the pitch, please understand this is not personal. Purely resources.
Oh, and we are unable to accept, unverified claims or angry rants. While we appreciate the need to rant from time to time, this isn’t the place. Work it into a well-formed argument instead.
Get pitching and Write for us – DIY Health Plus!