DIY Health Plus

Top 8 Amazing Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting can be overwhelming, especially when it is your first time. It is, however, a lot easier than many other types of eating plans out there. You eat less food since you are on restricted eating hours, and during the periods you eat, you are more likely to focus on healthy meals especially if your goal is to cut weight.

Below are ways you stand to benefit of intermittent fasting:

Intermittent fasting enhances Heart Health

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting lowers heart disease due to its ability to lower triglycerides and blood pressure and boost HDL cholesterol.

Studies have established that consuming fewer calories improves symptoms associated with autoimmune conditions like lupus and multiple sclerosis.

Intermittent fasting plays a considerable role in managing blood sugar. It can increase metabolism and lower insulin resistance, making it the best tool for people with blood sugar problems.

Underlying hormone imbalance can cause weight-loss resistance. Leptin resistance occurs when your brain stops receiving leptin’s signal to use your body stored for energy causing your body to store fat instead of using it. Intermittent fasting improves chronic inflammation that dulls the brain’s receptor sites.

Intermittent fasting reduces inflammation in the gut and improves gut problems like Crohn’s disease, IBS, and ulcerative colitis.

Intermittent fasting significantly reduces asthma symptoms and reduces oxidative stress.

Intermittent fasting can improve degenerative brain disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Intermittent fasting decreases the hunger hormone ghrelin, which increases dopamine levels in the brain. Intermittent fasting can also curb emotional eating and cravings by transitioning your metabolism from unstable sugar-burning to steady fat burning.

There are a few different ways to fast. Intermittent fasting meal plan often depends on the period you have been fasting and other factors. Nonetheless, these are the most common plans:

In all these plans, noncaloric beverages are allowed during the fasting hours, but no solid food. It is also important to eat healthy foods during the eating period.

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