DIY Health Plus

4 Proven Tips on how to get rid of varicose veins naturally.

Veins are very important for bodies as they aid in blood circulation. They are like pipes carrying water and if they get twisted, swollen, or enlarged, they will not be able to deliver a smooth flow of blood to the heart. There are many causes of varicose veins such as; during pregnancy, sitting or standing for a certain amount of time, While in some cases the varicose may be very serious, they may be cured by carrying out a few home remedies such as diet, appropriate standing and sitting habits, as well as doing lots of exercising. Some of these remedies are:

Use of essential oils in compressing varicose veins:

Applying these essential oils helps greatly in strengthening them thus they are able to perform their most important function, and that is to take the blood to the heart. Some of the most common essential oils are cypress oils, lemon oil, geranium oil etc. Also, helichrysum essential oils, although a bit expensive, it is a very effective remedy for varicose veins. Basically, it reduces the pains experienced. You can use about 2-4 drops of helichrysum oil directly on your skin where the varicose veins show, then you can massage and the veins will be gone.

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